personal financial planning, pensions

personal financial planning, pensions

How We Work

HF Wealth has been providing independent, expert guidance on financial planning to corporate and personal clients since 2018 but our team have worked together for a number of years prior to that.

During this time we have been asked to advise many clients, each with differing needs and objectives. Traditionally our advice has been sought on specific areas of financial planning, such as investing a lump sum or planning for retirement.

Other aspects of advice such as mortgages and life insurance might be advised upon by the client’s bank or building society. Insurance policies are often dealt with by the client themselves or via another broker. Trust planning and wills are often under the remit of a solicitor, share portfolios trusted to a stockbroker.

This kind of scenario can be very confusing and time consuming, each plan or policy involving a different adviser and a different review date. Due to the scattered nature of such an approach, certain areas of advice can be overlooked, resulting in less efficient overall financial planning. What has become increasingly apparent is that high net worth individuals require a more sophisticated solution. A holistic approach is required, one that takes into account every aspect of financial planning and wealth management. From car insurance to trust planning, mortgages to school fees planning, these people require advice which covers all areas.

We have also found that many high net worth individuals do not receive the high levels of service we would expect from their existing advisers. Many are unaware of how their policies are reviewed and how often reviews are conducted.

We therefore concluded that the ideal solution for wealthy individuals, business owners and high earners would cover every aspect of their financial planning requirements whilst also delivering a high level of service on an ongoing basis.

We know that successful people require a holistic approach to financial planning. We therefore developed our service specifically designed for high net worth individuals. We provide a solution to every aspect of your financial planning requirements with a defined clear service proposition to ensure quality advice in the future.

  • personal financial planning, pensions

    Meet the Team

    With over 50 years of financial services experience and numerous professional qualifications and accreditations, welcome to the HF Wealth team.

  • personal financial planning, pensions

    Private Clients

    We provide advice and guidance to thousands of individuals in the key areas of insurance and financial planning that are so important to their financial future.

  • personal financial planning, pensions

    How We Work

    We cater for wealthy individuals, business owners and high earners and cover every aspect of their financial planning requirements.


personal financial planning, pensions

personal financial planning, pensions